Hello Peeps,
Today is my last day before i leave an absence for two weeks. Yeah its quite long for me to get my first holiday in this year. My buddies in the office had gone to take their 'mudik' (going to their home/motherland) and i'm still leave for two days and finishing all task that has not carried out to the next my duty.
I dunno what i've to do at this moment and just browse some regular site and watching some videoblog from my collegues and also read some interesting blog that i can learn manything from those who had an experienced which could enriches me too.
Tomorrow is Idul Fitri. The big day for us as moslem who had passed their full fasting in a month. A day that declares as a triumph for those who can beat their egoism, bad temper and all bad things. I really want to send my best regards and apologizes to many friends and also relatives.
i miss to meet all part of my family. Yeah really great to see them again after a year we didn't have anytime to hooked and laugh together.
I'm still reminiscing all the moments of last Idulfitri and try to make different for this year.Ogh..tonight all people in my town will be happy and welcoming a new day that carry a happiness and more blessing each others by silaturrahim to visiting eachothers.

And this afternoon, i'm still in the office without any supervision from my boss. I feel free to relax and enjoying my interest to read some books and several local newspaper. Certainly, i'm boring now and want to leave out soon. But it's two hours more before i'm going back home and meet my happy family.
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum Dani,
Alhamdullillah we manage to celebrate our glorious day and return to actual "fitrah" as a humble servant.
Mon ado foto yang bagus sempeno lebaran, tolong pamerkan untuk dikele urang kito disiko.
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