Friday, October 16, 2009

Hobi baru: jogging uhuyyyy

Gw mempunyai hobi baru akhir-akhir ini. Yaitu LARI alias jogging. Rasa-rasanya gw baru nyadar kalo lari itu suatu kesenangan yang membuat gw bergairah untuk memulai hari haduh bahasanya kayak gw nggak semangat aja. Eh beneran gw baru tiga minggu ini mulai aktif lari pagi, kadang sore juga, kadang malem juga kalo pas mau jogging hujan gw terpaksa pergi ke gym dan treadmill sampe kalori gw habis 200 perhari, lumayan sih ga banyak. Tapi gila efeknya ngaruh banget, diotak gw seperti ada yg ngusir rasa penat dan jadinya tiap hari gw selalu mikirin yg positiv beneran ini ga boong? hehehehe

Trus gw juga baru beli trimmer yang ada magnetnya, entah gw kayak kesetanan untuk terus bergerak kalo baru bangun ga liat trimmer disamping tidur bakal teriak siapa yg nyolong dari kamar gw. Biasanya gw bakal nyari bokap!! Hugh saingan gw tuh semenjak ada trimmer, bokap suka males jalan keliling komplek tapi goyang-goyang pake trimmer didepan teras. Sumpah!!! Gw kadang-kadang malu kalo ada tetangga yg liat bokap gw sok goyang-goyang gitu diatas trimmer dengan pinggulnya yg suka encok....hahahahahaha makanya gw suka sembunyiin jangan sampe ketahuan lebih milih menjaga kehormatan keluarga ketimbang bokap gw jadi bahan gosip ibu-ibu langganan warung Ibu Arkis yg saban hari selalu aja bergosip ria. Hugh.

Balik lagi ke cerita jogging, nah itu dia nggak tahu napa kalo gw keliling-keliling kambang iwak (itu lho area joggingtrack yg ada aer mancurrrrnya di Palembang-liat aja gambar diatas) muncul inspirasi seolah-olah gw sedang berada dalam stadion yg lagi ditonton puluhan ribu sambil teriak-teriak "ayo kamu bisa" makanya suka bikin target sebelum keliling paling ga' mampu menyelesaikan 5 kali puteran..tapi itu hanya mimpiiiiiii...sampe sekarang baru maksimal tiga kali keliling dan nggak pernah lebih. Aneh emang? Suka aja halangan liat abang-abang penjual somai, bakso, bubur kacang ijo, dan sekutunya yg suka senyum sendiri liat gw lari dan gw suka kagak enakan untuk ga mampir hehehehehehehe

Yg bikin asyik jogging tuh memberikan keuntungan tetap bagi keseluruhan kesehatan setelah dilakukan. Efek-efek dari jogging yg gw tahu adalah:
1. membuat jantung kuat, dimana semakin memperlancar peredaran darah dan pernafasan;
2. Mempercepat sistem pencernaan dan membantu menyingkirkan masalah pencernaan;
3. Menetralkan depresi;
4. Meningkatkan kapasitas untuk bekerja dan mengarahkan pada kehidupan yang aktif;
5. Jogging membantu membakar lemak dan mengatasi kegemukan;
6. Kalau bermasalah dengan selera makan, jogging membantu memperbaikinya hehehehehe;
7. Jogging mengencangkan otot kaki, paha dan punggung;
8. Membuat tidur lebih nyenyak.
Selebihnya silahkan buat daftar sendiri aja...

Tapi yang paling gw suka ada kesenangan bertemu dengan orang-orang yg sama sedang melakukan jogging, mulai dari ketemu yg cantik-cantik dengan pakaian yg aduhai sampe ketemu nenek-nenek yg masih suka aja berias...sumpah deh gw beberapa kali ketemu sama nenek yg rambutnya masih disasak gitu dengan riasan gincu dibibirnya haduh kayaknya nih nenek menikmati hidupnya. Nah orangtua aja masih semangat kenapa gw yg masih muda ga menunjukkan bahwa gw jauuuuuuuuuuuh lebih semangat dari doi...

Jogging juga dapat memberi kita kesenangan secara fisik maupun mental. Apabila jogging dilakukan dengan benar, pastinya kita tak akan merasakan kelelahan saat telah menyelesaikan satu tur lebih dari yang kita lakukan sebelumnya. Katanya sih juga mendapat manfaat dengan merasakan nyaman di otot selama jogging dan setelahnya.Heu heu beneran ini sakitnya beda walau sakit diotot tapi ga ngeluh yg berarti.

Yang paling penting gw bisa merasakan angin lembut yang bertiup disekitar badan gw, Nah yg larinya dihutan pasti bisa mendengarkan suara burung berkicau, yang lari disungai bisa mendengar suara air yang mengalir, atau suara ombak di laut (jika Anda melakukannya di tepi laut). Yang jelas belum gw temui Selama jogging orang yg marah-marah ada juga kita bisa merasakan perasaan senang. Selanjtnya ayoooo bergabung kita lari bareng-bareng....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

yuk kita nge Tweet

Halo peeps! ga sadar udah lama banget ga nulis sesuatu disini. Kali ini gw mau nulis yang agak resmi aja. Soalnya suka bosen kalo baca tulisan gw berkali-kali (ya iyalah emang tulisan gw sebagus apa sih?)

Nah kali ini gw mau sharing gimana cara pake Twitter, heheheheh secara gw yang pertama kali mempopulerkan situs jejaring sosial satu ini di kantor. Pdhal gw sengaja biar banyak follower aja hehehehehehe pertama kali kita harus menghapus semua memori tentang situs jejaring sosial sejenis Facebook, friendster, Hi5, tagged, myspace dan sodara-sodaranya yang jumlahnya ga ketulungan udah berapa saat ini????? (siapa yang tahu; ancungkan jari???) karena Twitter beda banget dengan web 2.0 sejenis. Istilah microblogging sudah disandangkan buat situs ini, so kalo lu mau share apapun silahkan ngetwit aja disana.

Apa yang kudu kita lakukan nih langkah-langkahnya
1. Masuk ke halaman Twitter ini.
2. Tulis nama kamu, avatar (gw saranin sih pake foto aja biar mudah dikenalin) trus orang bisa jadi follower kita.
3. Pertama kali pasti bingung mau ngapain, bagusnya kamu liat-liat aja dulu tweety punya orang-orang dengan cara baca-baca atau kalo kamu tertarik silahkan centang tombol Following...
4. Pengertian following adalah kita jadi salah satu orang yang bisa membaca apa yang di tweet sama doi, so kita juga bisa update informasi mengenai doi lg ngapain atau apa yang dishare olehnya di twitter.
5. Biar seru, ajak temen-temen gabung di Twitter (seperti yg gw lakukan) so nantinya mereka bisa jadi follower kita, jadinya kayak artis gitu setiap status update terbaru langsung dishare via Twitter dan kita bisa saling bales-balesan kayak chatting gitu tapi menurut gw Twitter sekarang sudah disalahgunakan dengan memborbardir update status sampe suka pusing baca balesan orang-orang.
6. Bersosialisasi dan berkenalan dengan orang-orang baru melalui tweety-nya, mulai dari membales tulisan dengan beberapa peraturan misalnya ga boleh terlalu maksa, atau mengajukan pertanyaan dan lainnya. resikonya semua follower kita tahu semua yg kita twit via twitter.
7. Kata orang jangan terlalu narsis, tadi udah gw tulis ya? maksudnya gini jangan terlalu berlebihan aja. Emang lu siape hehehehehe????
8. Nah bagusnya lagi kita bisa mengupload foto-foto dalam satu album dan dikomentari rame-rame gitu. Emang sih ga kayak Facebook atau friendster tapi paling ga, lu kagak perlu khawatir lg untuk nyimpen album foto atau foto-foto ga penting lainnya via Twitpic.
9. Terus apa lagi ya, oh iya yang lu harus tahu. Di Twitter kita dibatasi nulis sampe 140 karakter doank, kalo kelebihan paling dipotong secara otomatis dibagian ujungnya. So saran gw sih gunakan semaksimal mungkin dengan menulis yg pasti2 aja, kalo mau panjang gunakan .
10. Kita bisa aja diblok oleh orang yang kita following kalo seandainya kita terlalu maksa nulis berlebihan soalnya suka menganggu halaman profil-nya. Makanya saran gw jangan terlalu sering nulis ke orang yg ga kita kenal. Lu bisa tahu status para artis lagi ngapain dan bisa bales dengan me-retweet tapi jangan berharap banyak untuk meminta balasan atau menganggu tweety-nya. Mending sesama temen-temen aja lu perlakukan seperti itu.
11. Aturan membales juga rada unik dengan kode RT @namatweet...bla..bla.... misalnya gini : "Kapan ajak gw nonton donk RT @asriel992001 : gw mau nonton siang ini di PIM, ada yg mau?" nah RT = Reply To..sertakan @ disetiap akun twitter yg akan dibales.
12. Jangan kirim SPAM, kadang-kadang suka ribet aja ada beberapa orang yg suka iseng berbagi info tapi ga penting dan ga disukai followingnya nah itu udah kategori SPAM. 13. Update perkembangan informasi via halaman berita semisal @thejakartaglobe, @tvonewebnews,@kompasdotcom dan banyak yg laennya jadi lu ga dianggap kuper...

sekian sharingnya mudah-mudahan bermanfaat, berbagai aplikasi twitter via BlackBerry banyak kok tersedia seperti Ubertwitter dan masih banyak yg lainnya.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

good boy on skateboard Acid

"come by this afternoon", when an alert message drop to my phone this morning. Look i was in the rest off and didn't know what to do along last sunday. So, very quick i direct to reply to come and also really want to join.

Great experienced and also so much fun during that time. I have admit that i was totally get a new experienced when trying to ride a skateboarding in a new way. Yups i just only in amateur level after acquaintaced with them in Sriwijaya Heritage and Memorial Park and they looked so friendly and very clear to give me an understanding how to drive it as they saw it to me.

But nope..i didnt expected too much to involved. My desire only to captured them and give an essence of photography in order i can explored my ability in imagination how to get a nice shot. Take a look!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

near Musi river

i try to regularly to posting some idea and now let me show you some picture that had captured by me during three days off this week. Really great to do some adventure activities and hope in the upcoming i could share not only a pict but also story behind. Enjoy!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

no idea

hey everyone..where should i begin?
my last entry was in February..and nothing comes up after it. but my idea always appears and no time for me to share it. Just want to keep it only in my mind. Fortunately, i have another media when suddenly want to talk by just open my BlackBerry and try to recorded my voice over the facilities occupied into it.

so what should i do by using this blog? i have no idea anymore..:(

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Mille Feuille ... it was a great taste croissants ever

i'm having the best day off, i dont know how i could describe about my feelings today. Starting with a delightful of task that always appear to open my routine in the office. But hardly to say that my body wasn't fit and i didn't get a fresh air from environment. I must say that i really hate the people who brings ciggarette in a public area everyday. was final for me and partners to find out appropriated person who dedicated as account officers where as a few of them had a problem with ours requirements. Actually, some of them look so hard to convey anything in a simple words and frankly to say, we're very tired to interview them but thanks Alloh, we've got a new experienced by meet anothers that look so great with humble idea and some funniest things too. the other hand. I had tried to be a first person who enjoy and tested a divine croissant that served by my colleague from Horison Hotel. It was so exciting for me and also some of my partners. I really enjoy and also confused to give an explanation hows so divine the taste of this croissant..they called with "Mille Feuille". it sounds in my ears like a french accents that had no meaning and also unforgettable to the lips.

And i dont know when i see the picture of this croissant and i'm reminiscing with strawberry that cover on top of this delicious cake. I figure that this croissant looks so weird for those people in their first impression that want to try it. This was one of the more simple taste cake and so simple, yet so flavorful too.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

complicated day

today was complicated for me. I hate admit to saying this that i’m not interest with my routines anymore in office. I do all my job with full responsibility to help and give a solution to my friend who needed my assistance in according their job. I have no idea why are they still ask about the matter that happened to me not directly to their boss? I was thought if i really really expertise to all problem that actually happened in our daily bread everyday in my lovely company.

i feel very boring and needed some refreshment but i have no choice. Recently i’ve just heared that there is a chance for me to move into another department in my company and i really want it so much. I dunno how to starting it..i’m not really quite sure about my career if i were here (in my department) for so long.

Basically, i was coming from technical background when i enrolled my application. And at this time moment, i must control all commercial aspect in term to fulfill all basic needed including some routines activities that was like a general administration activities..hmm i dont like it so much..but nothing comes up when i had been handled all. So this job like my bad destiny here.

I need to talk with someone who can understanding me and give me an advice how i can empower my basic value. It’s tremendous problem when the morning day i open my laptop and check budget availability in system and then distributed them to pay a few invoice that always come to my desk everyday and nothing more except involvement.

I really enjoy my responsibilty when i had a nice and wise boss who can give me another experience and totally never interupt or disturbed for what i must do for this department. Sometimes i get confused when ’someone’ had been made an intervention for all my task that hasn’t belong to his appropriate responsibility and babbling about things that i often dont understand. I have to make some objection for just giving a confirmation about something wrong on his mind deceptively this is all my folk and too subjective and also really ridiculous for me.

i’ve been dreaming someday, i’ll can explore my ability in business field and i hope to Alloh; i dont screw it up. So, i’ll try to contact some colleagues to find out any information about new employement requirements. I literally had no feeling to run my job so its time for me to looking another one.

thanks guys for reading my blog today…i’m starving…????


Friday, January 16, 2009

Good Job on 1st Week of this year

Totally i was in Pangkal Pinang last week for attending an invitation by my colleague in Parai Beach resort.Arie and me had asked by owner of Eljohn Group to present about our latest info interm that he will use our business solution products in his company.Actually, i always response about what he need whether he never asked it before. But, when i had a chance to meet with Mr.Johnie in one Palembang of hotel's lounge. I get an acquainted with him as personally and really excited to hear about what his ambitions.

so in the first week of my starting day in office. Arie and i had to prepared all the stuff actually material of presentation since there was no information about typical of needs. All material had been prepared by me and also support by Akmal and i was not convidence to convey this all.So,fortunately when we introduce ourselves to the management, they were really apreciating us as a guest in their hospitality.It stimulates me as a person who can break up all the barrier that was influence me on the first meeting. Actually, arie and me comfort to convey all information about our network performance which needed to support our business solutions product that had to offer to eljohn group.

I'd love to tell you that as long as my trip to sungailiat, the scenery was so beautiful and really enchanted me to try one of their best view and also snapped me on the spot by using my BlackBerry cameras.I'll try to share it in another occasion. Parai beach resort is one of the most attracting location in Bangka island that will indulgence those who wants holiday. Okay..i was thinking that it wasn't my holiday during that time. Its business trip so i must stop thinking to enjoy the time but i must to run my business activity only...hope this project will be success
