Location this spot so easy to visit. Near to the palembang business district and have a large parking area. It would be pleasure for you to hanging out together with your closest friend. I'm very impressed to the waitress whom always welcome the guest with her smiling faces and looks so friendly to keep it up.

The cuisines also looks so incridible with many features on top of plate like fresh salad, and other ingridients that i've been just known.

I really enjoy my self to watch the people cross over the road with traffic and this place also supporting wifi for those need internet browsing spot. My friend and I chat in many topics as long we regale a hot coffee, and i have to say it was really nice to be there incomplete with heavy rain outside.

This article brought me to my youngest day. Really missed food cooked by my late grandmother.
For your info, there is a cuisine called 'daging masak palembang'. It is acctually beef cooked with soy sauce, blended chilly and etc. I'm not sure it is really originally from Palembang!
thanks azlan, perhaps the cuisine called "Pindang" which originally come from traditional culinary food. I love to the sensitive of sauce and also figure by some spicy taste too. Next moment, i try to take a pict for u.
Hi Dani. Nice to know that you've red all my posts. I think you are great, because you've already managed 3 blogs! Woow.. Something that I want to do next is to start another blog. It was just I don't have enough time.
Ok, I will add you to my blogroll, so it will be easy for me to visit you. Happy blogging friend!
Thanks Mbak Dewi,
its great pleasure for me to know u too..i get a ton inspiration from the way you create a story.
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