Its very nice moments to remember. When finally i can make an acquainted with the belonging of this full house community. I met with Mr. Mike and also his wonderful wife (also forget her name). I was very enthusiasted when he totally enunciating the state of South Carolina and show me the location through the encylopedia. I'm very impressed about what he did to share his life for everyone and very warmful and also friendship.

In that great afternoon, i met with another native but sorry for this tremendous of my remember. I couldn't get in touch with them except for Mr. Berry (He comes from US too) but he looks so busy with his SLR digital camera and took some snapshot and capture an object infront of him. There were totally 9 person who natives and which look diiferent than us.
I really enjoyed following some activity during the day. We all were celebrating of Independence of Indonesia's day in the backyard by create a few of competition like eating 'kerupuk', running marble, and grouping. I know it was a first for me to joining together and i had no eager to win, just want to show my respect by participating their agenda and listening to a bunch of other jerks.
However, i thought my self that i have given a good day by meet some another good friends.
I'm a 3rd generation Palembang in Malysia. Yours was the 2nd blog I encountered in Palembang Communities blog using English as medium of langguage.
Wong kito galo! Awak raso dah semakin tuo dan ingin sekali mencari 'roots' di Palembang.
Alan bin Taib bin Ali Saman bin Budin - Klang, Malaysia
Ammendment to the above comment:
Azlan bin Taib bin Ali Saman bin Budin - Klang, Malaysia
den ni Rahmad...aq kmrn yg nny coal Blog!!!
Hello Rahmad and Azlan,
thanks anyway for visiting my ordinary blog.
For Rahmad:
I'm very impressed to chat with u on the last moments and perhaps we'd make it again.
For Azlan:
what a surprised. You are palembangnese too although you've been get away from our sociality. Yeah..i try to using english into this blog to make it as my second language and also daily bread too. If you want to find out your root from palembang, which located are they? Perhaps i could help you out. why dont u try to look up?
I thought, malaysian girls are nice and somtimes i imagined my self to engaged with the girl..(just kidding)
3:40 AM
Dany, I was a little bit surprised reading this post, because I am also the member of chit chat corner & library.Mr. Barry and Mrs. Evie (the lady in red in your photo)are my neighbor. Once in a while I come to the library to have a chat with English community there. Hopefully someday we can meet there. Have a nice day!!
where is this chit chat corner in palembang?
i've been looking for it..
thank you..
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